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Can I drive to the district?

Yes. While Savannah is mainly known as a pedestrian-friendly walking destination, Plant Riverside District, in partnership with the City of Savannah, has created the first significant public parking resource on River Street, housing nearly 500 parking spaces. We also offer valet parking.

What dining options are available at Plant Riverside District?

Is there live entertainment on the Riverwalk?

Does Plant Riverside District have entertainment and activities for kids?

What nightlife is there at Plant Riverside District?

What type of retail options does Plant Riverside District offer?

Does the Plant Riverside District have spaces to rent for weddings and other private events?

What experiences does Plant Riverside District offer guests who are visiting for the day, not staying overnight?

How does the project work to preserve the original power plant building?

Did you maintain the plant’s smokestacks?

Is the project designed to be sustainable?

How does Plant Riverside District connect with the river?

Can I purchase the art throughout the hotel?


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